join the
Stroke Determination Foundation
Survivor, Caregiver,
Friends, Family
Mission Statement:
To create a network for stroke survivors, family members, caregivers and friends to connect through events in the community, and provide tips and resources for recovery.

Goals- Recover, Rehab, and Celebrating

Game Plan
Events: Seattle Mariners, Snoqualmie Tubing, Tailing UW Football, Coffee shop, etc...
Goals and OT/PT/ST/ RecT
Mental health advisor
Yoga/Mediation; Gym - trainer
Talk - current event and vacation and go into something (group therapy)
Teach - many phrase (phone, groce, etc...), text to voice, Recover Speech & Language software;
Video games - Wii (Sports) and PS3 - rockband (paino, guitar, drum ) and Xbox one
Music therapy
Outdoor for all
Audio book
Upcoming Events!
Who: Stroke Survivor and everyone (family and friends)
What: UofW Football Restaurant
UW Husky vs Penn State Football
When: November 9, 2024, TBA
Where: Schultzy's Sausage Restaurant
4114 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
Price: $0-$50 - You pick!!
Other/Why: RSVP before Nov 7
Contact us on sdfoundation.uw@gmail.com

Never, Never, Never Give up !!!