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Stroke Determination Foundation
Survivor, Caregiver,
Friends, Family
Mission Statement:
To create a network for stroke survivors, family members, caregivers and friends to connect through events in the community, and provide tips and resources for recovery.

Goals- Recover, Rehab, and Celebrating
DART service
Dial-A-Ride Transit
DART is fixed-route transit service operated in King County under contract with Hopelink, using smaller transit vehicles with the flexibility to perform a limited number of off-route deviations upon request.
In addition to operating fixed routing according to a regular schedule, DART vehicles can also go off route to pick up and drop off passengers within a defined service area. Fully accessible DART vehicles are smaller than regular Metro coaches, are wheelchair lift-equipped and have bicycle racks.
With a few in-city exceptions, DART routes generally operate in suburban communities within King County that have a need for slightly more flexible service due to lower population density, greater distances and fewer public transportation options.
The fares are the same as those on Metro's regular bus service, including the acceptance of ORCA cards. See more about Fares & ORCA
You can request customized rides on DART by calling the DART reservation office or submitting an online request. You need to make your trip request at least two hours before you want to be picked up, and you can make your reservations for 30 days at a time, up to 30 days in advance.
Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis during the following hours:
Monday thru Friday: 5 AM – 11 PM
Saturday: 7:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Sunday/Holidays: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM
You can also call at other times and leave a message.